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general income中文是什么意思

用"general income"造句"general income"怎么读"general income" in a sentence


  • 一般收入
  • 总收入
  • "general"中文翻译    adj. (opp. special) 1.一般的,综合 ...
  • "income"中文翻译    n. (定期)收入,所得,收益。 an earned [ ...
  • "general income tax" 中文翻译 :    一般所得税
  • "but for income" 中文翻译 :    特殊原因收入
  • "but-for income" 中文翻译 :    特殊原因收益; 特殊原由的收益
  • "income" 中文翻译 :    n. (定期)收入,所得,收益。 an earned [unearned] income 劳动[不劳]所得。 draw a large income 收入很多。 live with one's income 量入为出。
  • "general" 中文翻译 :    adj. (opp. special) 1.一般的,综合的,通用的。 2.普通的,广泛的,通常的。 3.全体的,总的;全面的,普遍的;概括的,大概的,大体的,笼统的;简略的。 4.【陆军】将官级的。 5.〔用于职衔后〕总…,…长。 the general affair 总务。 the general opinion 一般舆论。 a general attack 总攻击,全面进攻。 general knowledge 一般知识,常识。 a general meeting 大会,全会。 general principles 原则,总则,通则。 a general outline 大纲,概要。 the general programme 总纲。 the general public 公众,大众。 general readers 一般读者。 the general welfare 公共福利。 a general war 全面战争。 a general rainfall 普遍降雨。 a general verdict 【法律】一般评决。 the Attorney G- (美国的)司法部长,(英国的)总检查长。 consul general总领事。 secretary-general 秘书长。 as a general rule 原则上,一般地说。 for the general good 为公益。 in a general way 一般说来。 n. 1.〔英、美〕陆军[空军]上将,将军。 2.战略[战术]家。 3.【宗教】会长,团长。 (救世军的)最高司令。 4.〔the general〕 〔古语〕一般,全体,全面 (opp. particular) 〔古语〕一般人,庶民。 5.〔主 pl.〕通则,一般原则 (opp. particulars). 6.〔英口〕勤杂员。 G- of the air force 〔美军〕空军五星上将。 G- of the Armies 【美军】三军五星上将,三军元帅〔1919年美国给珀辛 (J.J.Pershing) 授的特别军衔〕。 G- of the army 【美军】陆军五星上将。 in general 一般;大体上(people in general普通老百姓)。 in the general 概括的说;全面;普通。
  • "general will" 中文翻译 :    共同意志
  • "in general" 中文翻译 :    (作定语)一般的; (作状语)一般来说,通常情况下,总的来说; 大体上,一般而言; 大体上;一般地; 概言之,一般说来; 通常,大体上; 通常,一般地说; 通常;大体上;一般而言; 一般,通常; 一般地、大体上; 一般来说,大体上; 一般说来,大体上; 总的来说,大体上; 总的说来; 总之,通常,一般说来; 总之,总的来说
  • "the general" 中文翻译 :    ○; 大将军; 将军号; 岳飞
  • "bad income or dirty income" 中文翻译 :    坏收入或赃收入
  • "a moderate income" 中文翻译 :    稳定的收入
  • "absolute income" 中文翻译 :    绝对收入
  • "abundant income" 中文翻译 :    丰厚收入
  • "accounting income" 中文翻译 :    会计收益,账面所得; 会计收益,帐面收益; 会计所得, 帐面收益; 会计帐面收益; 帐面所得
  • "accrued income" 中文翻译 :    应付收入; 应付收益; 应计收入 应计收益; 应收收益; 应收未收收益
  • "accumulated income" 中文翻译 :    积累收益; 累计收益
  • "active income" 中文翻译 :    包括工资; 活动收入来自提供服务所得的收入; 主动收入
  • "actual income" 中文翻译 :    实际入息;实际收入;实际收益; 实际所得
  • "additional income" 中文翻译 :    额外收入; 增加收益
  • "adjusted income" 中文翻译 :    调整后收益; 调整后所得
  • "adjustment to income" 中文翻译 :    收入调整
  • "agency income" 中文翻译 :    代理收入
  • "aggregate income" 中文翻译 :    收入总额; 总合所得
  • "agricultural income" 中文翻译 :    农业收益


  • The paper summarized theories to interpret rural residents " income difference and math methods to measure income difference , which laid theory base for further analysis and provided empirical materials , it studied general income difference of rural residents by gini coefficient , theil index , decomposed gini coefficient according to income sources , ten equally separated methods and econometric models , and measured and analyzed income difference and its determinants of rural residents between regions and in liaoning province and neimenggu municipality
  • This paper emphasizes the present being , including the potential , the strength , the achievements and the existing problems of wisco ' s non - steel industry . it evaluates the operation of wisco ' s non - steel industry by analyzing the proportion of non - steel industry in the corporation ' s general income , the market share , the profit ration of capital and the profitability
  • Based on the current situation of chinese housing mortgage loan insurance , a comprehensive system of housing mortgage loan insurance , which caters for the different consumers " demands for insurance , is put forward by the author . this system includes : housing mortgage loan insurance institution of government credit guarantee for the denizens of humble income and general income ; commercial housing mortgage loan insurance institution of having diversiform insurance fashions for the denizens of general income and booming income ; and bonding institution of government credit guarantee for promoting housing mortgage loan to securitization
  • The main conclusions are as follows : although the income difference between three main economic districts lowered in recent years , it is still high . increasing speed of income difference between provinces is faster than that of general income difference
  • The paper analyzed general income differences , income difference between districts and income difference in one province or municiplity ; the analysis of income difference in one province or municiplity was based on family micro - data of liaoning province and neimenggu municipality and comparative analysis was conducted between them
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